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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Perhaps that's the Artist's job

I actively seek the joy in each day, do you? After being il for such
 a long time I had to learn to see again. My partner would say
I miss you saying "Look at that Tree"
But with all the drugs from chemo I stopped noticing. Wow life was so flat.
It has been the flowers and birds that have brought me back. Just to sit for a short time and quietly watch. Yesterday two rosellas flew into the tree in my garden in front of me, your heart lifts with joy.
Then last night a Tui was doing aerobatics from tree to tree, dropping suddenly, soaring, turning, just fabulous, so wonderful a sight.
Plants thriving in the greenhouse are uplifting too. So exciting to see the cucumber attaching itself to the tamarin and clambering skyward.
It made me think about the early days, at 20 I painted in oils and choice of subject was usually flowers and seedpods. Right in close, magnified view, vibrant and clashing colour combinations. Seeing nature as no one sees it. Perhaps that's the artists job to help others to notice the beauty round them. To see through our eyes. I  constantly seek a tree or a small scene I have never noticed and think Van Gogh would have painted that.