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Saturday, November 15, 2014

What do you know….

Lots going on at the moment, busy, busy but a good kinda busy. I have my own Art Calenders out and they have come up beautiful. Very impressed with the printing, you can see the textured surface on the Paintings clear as day. Its got nearly all new work from this year. Really people can get a lot of Art here for $25, frame their favourites, bang them on the wall.
I love Art Calendars and always buy the latest one, keeping them for years for the pictures, could be the colour combination and feeling I am currently exploring. A dream of mine was to one day be in one of those calendars and lo and behold you can just print your own.
Some dreams are so easily sorted!
What's kinda cool is they are my images so I can use prints of sold paintings ,so others get to see and share the pieces that have been snapped up. And oh boy its been a steady year of sales…
So if you're keen to get a 2015 edition they are available from Helensville Art Centre, Discover me website or direct from the Artist, cheaper too!

Or wait for next year when it'll only get better. hee hee