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Friday, September 26, 2014

Queen for the Day

September nearly gone already, exhibitions at Helensville and the Estuary finishing Sunday.
School holidays now here too, that's me too as a teacher. So lovely to get up and Paint…
oh!I do that already! Yes, I am lucky as only Jack left at home so its all quiet as. I don't work until 10.30 and just 4 days a week so I paint with that lovely morning energy before I go in. Will post a pic of  today's wave Painting, capturing the movement rather than the light…
Then I go in to kindergarten and do all my cool Art projects there and my sustainable Enviro school stuff. I have a Wild flower garden, recycled bottle bird feeders we fill, worm farm, orchard, bug hotel , driftwood Art and we are making a birdbath out of recycled china...
So going to work is wonderful, yesterday I even got to dress as a Queen for a Cupcake day…
Ha! Ha! Should post a photo of that!