Yes , I was accepted, for the Original art Sale in Manukau, its a huge event at Telstar Clear events Centre, always feels good.Shouldn't need outside validation but can't help but be pleased. I used to do all the National competitioons, but its a huge cost and the courier parcel is a physic quantum puzzle nightmare of tape and huge/odd shapes, still working on the patience ...
So, I failed to have enough blood counts for more chemo, number 4 , but did manage to put 4 awesome pieces into exhibition, in fact some onto it collector could pick up a bargain,
one is a beautiful piece in Gaugains style " Families that work Together Stay together"
A small watercolour painted in Fiji, RakiRaki plein air, A green and turquoise river scene
"Washing Day" and a soft gold ,cream and red palm Tree, simplicity...
Also managed to drop off on same day two paintings to NorthArt for the members Show, hopefuly another 2 selections, more on that soon...
Awesome to see space for my solo July Show, "Switch" WOW! great space, beautiful lighting,
keep July 17th free for opening, can't wait to see them hung, I'm inspired, boards lined up, just work on that energy factor...