Have been delighted that I have been able to get into the studio and do more than
Think and Look!
Its been along time since I have had that energy,
sometimes it felt like that creative part was GONE but its been 10 years since activity level has gone so low, but even during surgery and recovery I did manage to potter and at least draw.
Now I have 18 weeks of chemo and was daunted to think I wouldn't get any thing done, for all that time, definitley not patient!
But have found that pottering every morning in the studio has been very productive, its as though I use my time more effectively or maybe see what needs to be done very clearly.
Put 3 pieces into the Estuary Show in the end, including one that got slashed
and ripped until it said what it had to say.
Now resolving some unfinished pieces, as well as working on this new series of people in front of a Stain Glass Windows, medieval looking ,great black contrasts .
Working on one today with all the late fall of summer and the carpet of Pohutakawa, green and red in vivid display, fabulous !