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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Yellow is most definitely My colour just now...Beautiful, Positive and Vibrant.
First I received word I have been accepted into the New Art Awards,
a national Competition and selection exhibition ,
with my Painting, "Dappled Light" 
A Painting with a full yellow sky inspired by the white villa on

 Stanmore Bay beach and Van Gogh's use of yellow.
What else says Sunshine more than a complete sky of glorious YELLOW!
So next thing I hear from a new website I have my work listed on.  I have sold a Painting "Sunshine and Birds"
With, you guessed it, the second Painting I have ever done with a full yellow sky
Its exciting to see a email and find someone in Palmerston North at 10pm on Sunday 
needed your Art at their house.
So we just need that yellow dress I ordered, in chiffon, in 5o's style to turn up in a parcel to complete my vibrant slash of that delicious bright primary colour. This week yellow but next week who knows where my mood will lead me...

Sunday, October 5, 2014

"Best view , Best feeling..."

Sitting in the studio, looking out at the best view a studio ever had I reckon. Used to be a small unused deck once but Muzz closed it in and put these huge expensive windows in, it takes up two thirds of the wall . So its a small intimate space, great light and hey, no one else can fit but me! Its cool I am near everyone but tucked away. If visitors came they could miss the fact I'm even here. Can shut the ranch slider and its real quiet too. Though usually I have the Pink Floyd blasting…
 its a good day, have finished and entered the  Art Awards and now the best feeling an open slate…

Got a sweet textured surface there on one side or some nice gessoed driftwood to have a play with...