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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Where, What? Jo Bain?

Well i missed August, in fact very often time has no meaning, it goes fast, other times slow....
Can't believe its 6 months since my operation and a year nearly since i first found the lump...
Not the year I had planned, of course but I have learn't alot about myself, lost my old self really and have gone back to zero and have to pick myself up and start again...
Have struggled to get back in to life, sorta strange to shake off being in 'sick mode' so time to get stuck into a new project... have listed new work on website and have a sale mid September planned, last year I let NINE go at bargain prices, made a whole lot of people happy and made room for the new work. What is next?
Off to Wenderholm to paint for a week and totally chill out, be one with nature!