Website Link

Visit the 'Jo Bain - Artist' website at

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Art News from up on the hill in La La Land!

I am feeling very VERY vague, hey worse than usual ,but its all supposed to be like this, right? but often is pretty hilaroius in reality, as I forget everything, everything...
so I may well be a danger to myself as I continue to cook ,paint, and you know, live my life with nothing in my head, can't remember ANYTHING!!!!
Slow progress on the Painting, but slow and steady, quite interesting having to take my time and having so little energyetc
as I am writing, drawing, researching, relaxing and nuturing me so when the moment comes the paint just puts in down like a sweet song, just simple.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Half Price Artwork at Home Gallery/ANNUAL SALE IS ON!

If you have always wanted to pop in or know someone who may want to,
come this week to The Hole In The Wall Gallery, 23 Ardern Ave, Stanmore Bay
Call 424 1190 or otherwise open 10 to 4pm, Weds 20th to Easter Monday
This time of the year I let a few go out the door, make room for more, have to sell a few to keep up supplies of canvas,even though I have 4 beautiful huge canvases begging to be started, and a few small pieces half finished... come up and see what I'm doing, or have a chat, low in energy but I'm pottering into it slowly. Third chemo under my belt, can't say it isn't knocking me round, but I'm through the worst!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Go Van Gogh, he painted through all his sufferring, right

All I needed was a quiet week, but it was quite the opposite...full of drama
But an artist loves a bit of emotion and intensity,
nothing like a bit of Adversity to feed the soul !
Hence my hat is off [ and hair] to Van Gogh for painting no matter how hard it got, no matter what life threw at him ,he kept his faith, his Faith in " the Paintings" that had to be painted....
This new series is in 12 panels, I am currently onto the 4th piece and have drawn up the sketches for 5 more. Nice to feel this excited again.
I mostly do not have the energy to paint at present, but sketch/research/ read and think alot more, before the painting is started, So it's a bit like Art Schooldays, showing a physical trail that got you to the end result, ie. this series
Its very Different!
This will be for a Exhibition late in the year< I always have to be painting for 6months ahead of deadline! Watch this space!

Busy Busy!
Am organizing the advertising for NorthArt Show in July, its called "Switch",
the Best huge canvases [36" by 48"] and ART work from the last 3 years.
Also organizing Annual Easter Sale here at the Home Studio/gallery too, more details soon
Or email me at for info

Art Chat from Rodney Artist Jo Bain

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

From in the midst of my chemo

My knight in shining armour fixed everything! rang the hospital, got stronger medicine within an hour it was faxed, picked up and I had relief from nausea 24/7 , 24 hours, instantly.
Gone after 3 minutes!!!!!!! One month of putting up with being so sick, hey, isn't chemo like this?
Gone ,GONE, I laughed out loud and couldn't stop!
Being Jo Bain, I started to sketch, by the next day started to paint, i felt like me again, in fact I think this is the best work i have ever done.
I might be onto some of the most important series of paintings in my career....
Am I strange to be enjoying my cancer, does that make me an optimist ?
or plain crazy, to always see the silver lining?
I feel absurdly happy and good about life, I am in a good place with so many joys
and all those beautiful people in the community being nice to me, I feel lucky.
I must update my website with new photos, some of the new stuff sells as I finish it,
maybe not only I can see they are good paintings.... so pleased the creative flame in me still burns on....